Kindly fill the form to proceed further
Account Name: Diya Foundation
Account No.: 910010047077884
IFSC Code: UTIB00000552
Account Name: Diya Foundation
Account No.: 110101073899
IFSC Code: CNRB0019127
Please make a Cheque/DD in favour of "Diya Foundation / Diya We Care" and send it to us with your complete address and PAN.
F.F. 2&3, 170-171,Phone: +91-11-47070150, 47070157
Note: All donations to Diya Foundation are eligible for deduction under section 80 G of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
Diya Foundation is registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976 in India vide Registration No. 231660815 and is authorised to accept foreign contributions.
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