Hi, I am Ayu, I am from Indonesia. I came to India to work in an NGO because I have been associated with an organization named "AIESEC". AIESEC is an international organization, which runs for those young students who have respect for the society. It has many progammes in it and exchange program is one of them, where students are exchanged from one country to another. We travel all around the world to bring a small change by doing small things. But we believe if small things can turn out into grea things if we do it from our heart.
So here I am, in India, I choose to work in an NGO who concentrates for children because I love children very much! Then I met Diya Foundation! I am working with Diya Foundation starting from 9 April 2013 till 30th April 2013; I had a great experience here! Basically I was teaching children, but instead they are the ones who taught me. I learned many things from them. I learned to be a girl who is always cheerful because they always showed me love through listening to me, no matter what their family background is, they always have a reason to laugh. I learned to be a girl who is always thankful, because when I saw them I realized when I used to get upset for things which I don't have, before I was always complaining about problems in my life, without realizing that there are so many people in this world who are not lucky enough to have things which I already have. I meet all these kids from Monday to Friday, I feel so happy when I see that a smile comes to their face after seeing me. I feel as if they love me very much! And that moment is so precious which I can't buy through money!
I will miss all of them a lot when I go back to my country. I will miss Chetan Vidya Mandir, I will miss every single thing of this school! EVERYTHING!!!! But I have to go back because I have to continue my studies in law. I hope to come back to India, come again to Diya Foundation, meet all these children because I love them!
Bye Diya foundation...
Bye children!
Please miss me because I will always miss you all!
Tight hug! Love you all!